ICN Polfa Rzeszów S.A.
ul. Przemysłowa 2
35-105 Rzeszów
e-mail: ICN_Polfa@valeant.com
Tel.: +48 17 865 51 00
Fax: +48 17 862 46 18
A company with its registered office in Rzeszów (35-959), 2 Przemysłowa Street, Poland entered into the National Court Register maintained by the District Court in Rzeszów, XII Department KRS, under the number KRS 0000085122.
Regon: 690312268 NIP: 813 02 67 131
Share capital: 83.971.520 PLN, completely covered
Bank CITI Handlowy, no.: 91 1030 1250 0000 0000 0904 9201
Bausch Health Poland sp. z o.o.. (formerly Valeant Pharma Poland sp. z o.o.)
ul. Przemysłowa 2
35-105 Rzeszów
Tel.: +48 17 865 51 00
Fax: +48 17 862 46 18
A company with its registered office in Rzeszów (35-959), 2 Przemysłowa Street, Poland entered into the National Court Register maintained by the District Court in Rzeszów, XII Department KRS, under the number KRS 00000669695.
Regon: 180935403, NIP: 8133676203
Share capital: 29.970.000 PLN, completely covered
Bank, no 13 1030 1508 0000 0008 1663 4008
Contact details to Warsaw's office Bausch Health Poland sp. z o.o.:
ul. Marynarska 15
02-674 Warszawa
Tel.: +48 22 627 28 88
Fax: +48 22 627 28 89
E-mail address to which complaints can be submitted:
E-mail address for reporting adverse event:
Customer Service:
tel. +32 732 57 00, 801 080 023